
The Golden Rule
Nov 5, 2020
Kyle Gough, ESQ., Business Lawyer, Kyle Gough Law

Ah, gold. For many, it’s the choice alternative to currency, and if you are in the market to buy some, I might know a guy. Gold may help us weather the rest of the complicated year that is 2020, but it isn’t the solution. You are. Every problem you face is an opportunity to improve, and from that perspective, 2020 isn’t all that complicated. Identify the problems and work toward solutions. You do this every single day, and what it ultimately pans out to be isn’t gold, but the golden rule – treat others as you want to be treated. Here are some solutions to consider:

Shop Local
In the first half of 2020, consumer spending habits shifted away from local businesses and toward big-box and online stores. The Paycheck Protection Program was well intended and provided temporary respite for some, but many small businesses are still reeling. As the holiday season inches closer, it’s time to shift those habits right back where they were. Your favorite local shops and restaurants may depend on it.

Support Nonprofits
Nonprofits were not excluded from the challenges posed by the pandemic. Many were forced to cancel annual fundraising campaigns or held virtual events with fractional returns. These are the same charities that local businesses know, support, and appreciate. It’s important to keep in mind that the CAREs Act included favorable tax language that encourages cash gifts to nonprofits. There’s no better time than now to support nonprofits.

Treat Everyone with Respect
Many of your customers or clients have experienced the same challenges you’ve faced this year. Just as with businesses and nonprofits, it’s important to treat them all the way you’d want to be treated, and that means providing support in times of need. 

Kyle Gough Law

Phone: (260) 414-4878


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